image of low CO2 pointer dial

About Us

About Us

EnergyPathways is developing low emissions energy solutions to satisfy the growing demand for home-grown clean energy for Britain as it transitions to Net Zero.

Our initial focus is to develop the 100% owned and operated Marram field, a ready-to-go 40 BCF gas development in the shallow waters of East Irish Sea.  The project has potential to generate compelling economics and returns for shareholders due its low cost development environment, presence of nearby existing infrastructure and proximity to UK energy markets. The project can be developed in a timely fashion and can be brought to market in a short cycle time .

EnergyPathways hopes to build out a portfolio of gas development projects in the region. It has made licence application requests for a number of “Marram lookalikes” in the East Irish Sea and has participated in the UK’s 33rd licencing round. These undeveloped gas resources have potential to provide medium-term growth opportunities and provide energy security to the UK in the near term. . 

Our medium-term focus is to innovate and integrate emerging technologies and existing energy systems with the undeveloped gas resources of the East Irish Sea to supporting the UK’s clean-energy transitions  by providing the UK with energy security. Potential energy solutions include gas to power, flexible power generation, gas storage, hydrogen production and integration with CCS (carbon capture & storage) of the region. 

image of waves breaking